You know all those wonderful ads with the loon sounds playing in the background? They try to make us all feel so good about our lottery money going to the environment. Guess what. It's not what it looks like. See the figures below. Over a half a million dollars went directly into the general fund! Thats just here in House District 39A! If all the lottery money actually went to the environment I doubt we would have to even consider a Legacy Act. The information below comes from Rick Hansen's weekly email update.
From July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, gross sales in District 39A were $3,585,726. Of these sales, $1,758,298 were Scratch tickets while online Games account for $1,827,428. During this time 22 businesses in the district were lottery retailers, earning $210,824 in commissions and incentives.
District lottery sales resulted in $247,415 to the Environment & natural Resources Trust Fund and $516,344 to the General Fund. These amounts include unclaimed prize money. The Game & Fish Fund and the Natural Resources Fund each received $95,113 while $1,358,998 in prizes were redeemed in 39A.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Rep. Hansen Tells Us How Our Lottery Money Is NOT going to the Environment!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
8:09 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ron Erhardt Has Some Competition!
I went to the Campaign Finance Board web site to see if any of the traitors have any competition for endorsement. Lo and behold, RINO Ron Erhardt does. The Challenger is Keith Downey. You can view his website here, Looks like he will make a very good candidate.
Representative Erhardt was interviewed on K-TALK 100.3 this morning and sounded quite odd. As if he had already hit the bottle at Jimmy's office so early in the morning. He ended the conversation by hanging up on Chris Baker! Baker was very upset and he has the interview posted here,
It is a weird conversation and should be read by all residents of his district, HD 41A.
Here are a couple of statements by Rep. Erhardt,
On taxing clothing,
"There are other ideas to tax everything…broaden the sales tax base to include everything. So, all of this would be…reduce the rate considerably…and my was just to get something started."
On illegal aliens,
"Is that the kind that comes over and hovers with the black helicopters or is this really illegal aliens?"
The audio can be found here,
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:14 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Minnesota “Castle Doctrine” to be Heard in House Committee!
MINNESOTA: Minnesota “Castle Doctrine” to be Heard in House Committee!
<> House File 498, will be heard any day in the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee. HF 498, “Castle Doctrine” legislation, restores the right to self-defense in Minnesota by removing the duty to retreat when outside the home. HF 498 would also provide that a person who uses force against an attacker shall be immune from criminal prosecution. Please contact your State Representative at (651) 296-2146 or (800) 657-3550 and respectfully urge him or her to support your right to self-defense.
To find your State Representative, please click here <>.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
9:08 PM
Contact these BPOU leaders! Urge them to find and endorse new candidates now! For the good of the party, we must not allow RINO's such as these to remain in office.
Jim Abeler (R) 48B
BPOU Chair
Dan Emery
BPOU Deputy Chair
John Reandeau
Ron Erhardt (R) 41A and Neil W. Peterson (R) 41B
BPOU Chair
Lynn Swon
BPOU Chair
Lew Coffey
Rod Hamilton (R) 22B
BPOU Chair
Rich Koch
BPOU Vice-Chair
Jim Kazemba
Bud Heidgerken (R) 13A
BPOU Chair
Glen Menze
BPOU Deputy Chair
Dan Pasche
Kathy Tingelstad (R) 49B
BPOU Chair
Tim Newbolt
BPOU Deputy Chair
Loretta Sunderland
Senator Dennis R. Frederickson (R) District 21
BPOU Chair
Nancy Haapoja
BPOU Chair
Leonard Runck
BPOU Vice-Chair
Duane Anderson
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:21 PM
The following news release was distributed to the Capitol Press Corp during an afternoon media availability:
-- (February 26, 2008) -- State Representative Marty Seiferttoday announced the six Republicans who voted to override Governor TimPawlenty's veto have been removed from their leadership positions.
"I have spoken with all six members and received their resignations fromtheir lead positions on House committees and in the Caucus," said HouseRepublican Leader Marty Seifert. "I respectfully ask the House Democratsto respect our decision on this internal caucus matter."
Seifert announced the following members as the new Republican leads:
Representative Dean Urdahl - Agriculture, Rural Economies & Vets Affairs
Representative Larry Howes - Capital Investment
Representative Matt Dean - Health Care and Human Services
Representative Sondra Erickson - K-12 Finance
Representative Morrie Lanning - Property Tax Relief & Local Sales Taxes
Representative Pat Garofalo was named Assistant Minority Whip.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:26 PM
Watch this video and think about what this man is saying. He will leave us vulnerable to the world. Remember that China shot a satellite out of space recently? Many months before we did. With technology sold to them by the Clinton administration.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:16 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
What to do Now
What do we do now? There are six Republicans who do not deserve the "R" at the end of their name. It is fact that Kathy Tingelstad (R) 49B did not get endorsed at her BPOU this weekend. I say good. What will happen to the other five? Begone I say! It would please me greatly if Marty Seifert and the real Republicans excommunicate them from the House Republican Caucus.
I recall that in 2006 we heard allot of campaign promises from the democrats. This especially goes for Metzen, Atkins, and Hansen in my case. More fiscal responsibility they said. Check out this post at Tundra Politics and watch the Taxapalooza video. It is a very revealing blast from the past.
I hate to say it but I may start thinking a little bit harder about moving to South Dakota. Sioux Falls economy is booming, the taxes are low, there is only one abortion clinic in the whole state, and I am free to pack a piece where ever I go. Nice friendly community oriented people in every little town I have ever been to. People who know and care about their neighbors.
But for now, I am on a mission. To make a change in my community. Our elected officials in SD39 have had free reign for too long. I had a discussion with WSP Mayor Zanmiller about a year ago. I told him that I have had enough of the democrats no holds barred attitude and our response is to take the high road and do nothing. Lay down and take it. Well not me, I said, I am a militant Republican. And now it's time to get motivated and kick some democrat ass this November!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
8:15 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A letter From a Concerned Citizen
I just received this email from a citizen concerned about the illegal aliens within our borders and the crime that has come with them. I look forward to your comments on this issue. I am posting my reply as well. Many of our officials at the state and national level are ignoring this issue against the will of the majority of the American citizens. Many candidates for office this election year are afraid to publicly address this issue. They are avoiding the issue, afraid of losing votes. We must demand that the laws of this great country be upheld and that the candidates state their positions clearly on the issues.
Kudos to Bart Biernat, we are in dire need of more people like him. Remember this people, "The pen is mightier than the sword."
Written by Bart Biernat to:
Bill Jungbauer
Tim Pawlenty
Ron Erhardt
Governor Pawlenty (and friends):
I read in the Monday, February 18, 2008, newspaper a story that a Minnesota “coalition” for immigration reform was holding a demonstration (of less than 300 people waving Mexican and American flags) against Governor Pawlenty’s executive order for law enforcement, corrections, motor vehicle licensing, and other agencies to cooperate with federal immigration officials. I wanted to let my Governor know he made the right decision. I sent you an email voicing my support (below).
The following day an illegal immigrant (Alianiss Nunez Morales, 23) driving a mini-van is in an accident with a school bus (Cottonwood, MN) that resulted in the deaths of four children. Six children remain hospitalized with serious injuries (the lucky ones). ICE has determined that Morales’ identity is an alias; the true identity of the woman has not yet been established. She is not cooperating, availing herself of all the protections of the American justice system. The State Police have reported that they cannot find a driver’s license record for Morales – but local news found a record that an “Alianiss Morales” was cited two years earlier for driving without a license.
Governor, I wish you had signed that executive order two years earlier. Perhaps, two years earlier, the Sheriff’s Deputy would have notified immigration authorities that he encountered a woman driving without a license (and speaking only Spanish) who appears to be in America illegally.
Accidents happen. Deaths are unavoidable.
But the deaths of children by an illegal alien - driving without a license – who violated the traffic law to stop (and yield) at an intersection for a school bus – who is employed under an alias by a company (Norcraft Cabinetry) licensed to do business in Minnesota should have been avoided by the existing laws of the state and nation.
I’m angry that this is happening here. I’ve had enough of half-measures to address this growing and often serious situation. If someone is in this country illegally – they should leave (or be escorted out) and go about entering the county legally. Our immigration laws permit suitable applicants to enter America and deny the entrance of alien criminals fleeing their justice system and persons who would likely engage in criminal acts or terrorism.
If an illegal alien is caught driving without a license – they should be fined and deported. If an illegal alien commits a crime they should face a justice system that treats illegal aliens as a special class of criminal who pays criminal and financial punitive penalties then is released only to deportation authorities. If an illegal alien is identified as a member of a terrorist organization he/she should not be permitted to use our justice system to thwart our efforts to prevent another 9/11 attack. If a Minnesota licensed business knowingly (or should have known) employs an illegal alien – that business should face a schedule of increasing fines and enforcement.
What do you think?
Bart Biernat
My reply to Bart,
Hello Bart,
I just read the story on this very issue in the Pioneer Press 15 minutes ago. I agree with your letter 100%. The first question to cross my mind was, "Why was she not investigated and deported two years ago?" It is evident that this woman was a threat to public safety back then.
Theodore Roosevelt's first address to congress 100 years ago called for immigration reform and called for a three-fold ban on immigrants of low morals, low intellect, and low wage requirements. It appears to me that history is repeating itself.
I agree in immigration reform, to make it easier for good, hard working people to share in the American dream. But I demand from my government that our laws be upheld and illegal aliens that are undermining middle class wages, and committing crimes be sent back home. The flow of illegal aliens from every country must be stopped.
I like your letter. Would you allow me to post it on my blog. With or with out your name? I would like to see what comments it might generate.
Thank You,
Bill Jungbauer
Deputy Chair, 39a Republicans
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:24 AM
Pawlenty Vetoes Gas Tax Bill!
Lets rise up and applaud Governor Pawlenty! Now we must contact the RINO's and let them know that we will not stand for their rebellious behavior. We will recruit and endorse someone else to run for their seat this fall.
ST. PAUL - Gov. Tim Pawlenty rejected a $6.6 billion transportation funding package today as Democratic lawmakers look ahead to the vote that really matters: an attempt to overturn the governor's veto.
In his veto letter to House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, the governor wrote that "while there is broad consensus that the state needs to build on the record level of transportation funding we have provided over the past five years, this bill is an overreaching, massive tax increase that will further burden Minnesotans during already difficult economic times."
Here is the contact information to contact the RINO's here,
Jim Abeler (R) 48B
(651) 296-1729
Ron Erhardt (R) 41A
(651) 296-4363
Rod Hamilton (R) 22B
(651) 296-5373
(800) 735-2463
Bud Heidgerken (R) 13A
(651) 296-4317
(800) 339-6071
Neil W. Peterson (R) 41B
(651) 296-7803
Kathy Tingelstad (R) 49B
(651) 296-5369
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
12:13 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Six Turn Coat RINO's!
Here is the list of Representatives that voted yes to HF 2800 and chose to rape our wallets against our will! Take note of the six RINO's! I hope their districts are looking to endorse new candidates!
Abeler RINO!
Erhardt RINO!
Hamilton RINO!
Heidgerken RINO!
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Peterson, A.
Peterson, N. RINO!
Peterson, S.
Tingelstad RINO!
Spk. Kelliher
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:49 PM
Rick Hansen Update
The transportation vote just took place at 6:11 this evening. It was 89 yes 44 no. I will post the names and how they voted as soon as I get the information. Here is what Representative Hansen has to say about it. This is from his email update which I received minutes ago.
I am voting for HF 2800 Transportation Finance which does:
$6.55 billion in new revenue over the next ten years;
the gas tax is increased 2 cents immediately and 3 cents on 10/1/08;
their is a gas tax surcharge of up to 3.5 cents to pay of transportation revenue bonds;
tab fee caps are removed and the depreciation schedule is accelerated;
$1.8 billion / 10 year trunk highway and bridge bonding program;
$650 million in bonding for bridges;1/4 cent sales metro sales tax dedicated to transit (I voted for the referendum requirement which failed)Leased motor vehicles sales tax dedicated to transportation (I co-authored the Madore amendment to help distribute more funds for Dakota county and other suburban communities)
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:14 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
District 39 Per Diem Report
Here is my updated report to the citizens of Senate District 39 on our legislators abuse of the per diem. I want to point out that there are plenty of outstate legislators that take less than these three do. And those outstate legislators get housing allowance! Just imagine if Rick and Joe stick with it long enough and become career politicians like Jimmy, they can make quite the haul. On our dime, of course.
Jim Metzen, DFL South St Paul. This man claims a 15 mile round trip to the capitol. Mileage information is available in the Senate Journal. The 2007 per diem is quite a bit higher than in previous years. Senator Metzen happens to be on the Rules Committee that gave themselves a 45% increase in per diem.
2000 7,224.00
2001 11,820.00
2002 9,306.00
2003 10,956.00
2004 8,580.00
2005 10,362.00
2006 8,382.00
2007 15,830.08
8-year grand total for James Metzen: $82,460.08 in per diem!
Representative Richard Hansen, DFL S. St. Paul. Rick mentioned that he thinks he deserves it. He works hard! Don't we all Rick.
2005 Per Diem - $7,854
2006 Per Diem - $5,412
2007 Per Diem- $10,434 Look! Almost double the previous year! This includes $154.00 for the special session. Something he once claimed he does not take!
Total Per Diem - $23,700
Representative Joe Atkins, DFL IGH. Last year Joe Atkins said, "I was just looking over the per diem list and I am always near the bottom of it." Not this time! On the 2007 list he is number 36 out of 134 State Representatives. Imagine that! That leaves 98 Representatives taking less than him. I want to point out that he is home every night unlike many of his peers at the capitol.
2003 Per Deim - $6,027
2004 Per Deim - $4,655
2005 Per Deim - $7,552
2006 Per Deim - $6,212
2007 Per Diem - $11,748 Pretty big jump up!
Total Per Diem - $36,194
You can find out about your Representative by calling Paul Schwiezer, House Controller at 651-296-4372.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:53 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Minnesota Majority Against $8.5 Billion Tax Increase
Here is an important announcement from Mary Kiffmeyer at Minnesota Majority.
If we fail to act, we will be paying MORE for transportation and almost all other goods and services in the near future! Liberal legislative leaders have done their best to exploit the tragic I-35W bridge collapse to create an opportunity to raise our taxes. They recently introduced a new transportation bill calling for a record $8.5 billion in new taxes. Their action comes at a time when the National Transportation & Safety Board recently determined that the I-35W bridge collapse was caused by a design flaw, not inadequate maintenance. Legislative leaders are trying to fast-path a massive tax increase through the state legislature before any resistance to it can be organized against it. We recently learned that they plan to vote on the bill as early as this week.
Click here, to send a message to your elected officials telling them you oppose the transportation bill.
Please forward this email to your friends and family members and ask them to do the same.
Thanks for doing your part to make a difference for all Minnesota taxpayers.
Kindest regards,
Mary Kiffmeyer
Learn more about Minnesota Majority by visiting
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:08 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Quote of the Day
This was sent to me by a mysterious person who goes by "Anonymous." I liked it so much I felt compelled to share it with you.
“I still believe there is not a man in this country that can’t make a living for himself and his family. But he can’t make a living for them and his government, too. Not the way this government is living. What the government has got to do is live as cheaply as the people do.” –Will Rogers
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:43 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Sales Tax was Meant to be Temporary
What I hate the most about all of this is how the democrats insist that everything is such a crisis and the only thing they can do is raise taxes to pay for every thing. Sen Murphy claims that people are dying on our rural highways. He is full of it. Look up this article; "State's traffic deaths down" printed Friday, July 27, 2007. It states that 2006 Minnesota traffic deaths were at a 61 year low.
I recently spoke with Rep. Seifert about transportation issues in Minnesota. I told him that us common wage earners have to prioritize our spending. In other words, "We do not buy a hot tub if our roof is leaking."
For years we have been hearing about our infrastructure. How it needs attention. For decades the democrats have controlled the Senate. They have ignored the problem while spending our tax money frivolously. Go back and look at bonding bills of the past. Take the billion dollar bonding bill of 2006 for a fine example of ignoring the necessities. Now they want their cake and they want to eat it too. By raising our taxes.
I often hear my father tell me about how the sales tax was supposed to be temporary. We were lied to then, and we are being lied to now! I say postpone spending all our tax dollars on light rail and all of their transportation studies. Stop spending my taxes on funding "family planning" (abortion) clinics. Stop four thousand people who come to Minnesota annually to get on welfare. Go through the state budget with a fine tooth comb and get rid of all that is unnecessary. Then fix our roads and bridges. When that is done we can have our hot tub!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:33 PM
The DFL Cometh, The Tax Man Taketh Away!
The democrats jumped out of the starting gate this week with massive tax increase proposals. Some of their plans include a 7-½ cents per gallon increase in gas taxes, adding another half-percent to the metro area sales tax, and our license tab fees would go up. Senator Murphy, Chairman of the Transportation Committee claims the $840 million dollars raised annually would kick start our economy. Murphy is predicting that this would provide 33,000 jobs for five years, most of them in “good–paying, mainly union jobs with (medical and retirement) benefits.”
I think what Senator Murphy says smell fishy. In an article printed on Monday, Murphy is quoted as saying “people are dying on our unsafe rural highways.” This is bologna. According to a report released Thursday, July 26th, 2007 by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, the state’s traffic deaths are down considerably. In 2006 they were the lowest in 61 years.
The report found that 52 of Minnesota’s 87 counties had fewer traffic deaths than the past average. Equally important is that eight counties – Houston, Kanabec, Kittson, Lincoln, Norman, Pennington, Roseau and Swift - reported no traffic deaths. I wonder where Senator Murphy gets his facts? I think he is running around claiming that the sky is falling.
As for the union jobs that he claims will be created. What about the other ninety percent of us hard working taxpayers? Are we not struggling through hard times? What about those of us on fixed incomes? These tax hike proposals are regressive. They will effect the “little people” the democrats claim to represent the hardest. We have seen the price of gas go up over a dollar a gallon in the last year. Food prices have shot up considerably because of our false reliance on ethanol.
The gas tax proposal goes like this. Raise the 20 cents per gallon gas tax to22 cents in the spring and to 25 cents on Sept. 1st. Also, on August 1st, a 2.5-cent surcharge would take affect. This would cover a $2.2 billion road and bridge-bonding bill. The proposed tax bill includes legislation that would index the gas tax to the consumer price index so it would automatically go up without a legislative vote. This would make it the highest in the nation!
They plan on throwing the poor a bone. Single tax payers earning less than $21,800, and married couples making less than $31,860 will get a whopping $25 tax credit!
Let us give thanks to the promise of our esteemed Governor’s use of his veto pen. It is poised and ready to take action. Let us give thanks to Representative Marty Seifert for running a tight ship. Stand your ground gentlemen. We need you now more than ever!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:58 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rick Hansen Did Nothing Today
This is from Representative Rick Hansen's weekly email update. This little bit was all there was of any substance. As you can see, he did little or nothing to speak of. And then at 12:32 they adjourned untill Thursday. I would wager that Rick and his cronies are going to request per diem pay for thier hard days work. We deserve more for our money.
We took the Dedicated Funding bill off the table and referred it to a Conference Committee. The Speaker announced the Conference Committee. I am on it. The Conference Committee will meet at 1:30 PM:
TUESDAY, February 12, 2008
1:30 PM
Joint Committee: Dedicated Funding Conference Committee
Room: 107 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Anthony "Tony" Sertich, Sen. Larry Pogemiller
Agenda: HF2285 (Sertich) Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding through increased sales tax revenue, funds established and constitutional amendment proposed.
We will be adjourning until 10:00 am on Thursday.
We adjourned at 12:32 pm.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:20 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Suit claims per diem increase for lawmakers illegal
This is great! Citizens standing up and protesting the actions of our elected officials. The first to be held accountable should be the members of the Rules Commitees that decided they could use a loophole to give themselves added compensation. This should begin with our boozing buddy, Senate President James Metzen who happens to live only five minutes from the capitol!
Article Last Updated: 02/11/2008 01:36:09 PM CST
A group of Minnesotans filed a lawsuit claiming that lawmakers have violated the state constitution by giving themselves increased expense payments.
Lawmakers in the Minnesota House and Senate last year raised their daily expense payments, known as per diem. For House members the daily payment was raised from $66 to $77. For Senators, it was raised from $66 to $96 a day. Lawmakers can decide how much and how often they accept the payments.
According to the constitution, the Legislature can only raise legislators' salaries for the next class of lawmakers, meaning they cannot increase their own pay. Last year, lawmakers said the per diem increase was not a salary increase.
But the lawsuit filed by Erick Kaardal, an attorney associated with politically conservative causes, said that the per diem payments are income and illegal. All lawmakers, the suit argues, should return the per diem payments they've received and be prevented from running for re-election.
Rachel E. Stassen-Berger can be reached at
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
5:21 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Members of Congress Who Have Signed the Congressional Amicus Brief
These Minnesota members of Congress have signed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold a ruling that the District of Columbia handgun ban violates the Second Amendment.
Sen. Norm Coleman
Rep. Tim Walz (MN-1)
Rep. John Kline (MN-2)
Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-6)
Rep. Collin Peterson (MN-7)
Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN-8)
You can view the complete list of Congress people who have signed on to defend our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This list is made up of a majority of the Senate and more than half of the members of the House. 55 Senators and 250 House members.
Sen. Kay Baily Hutchinson (R-Tex.), who led the effort to file the friend-of-the-court brief, said her staff could not find another instance in which such a large portion of Congress had taken a position on an issue before the court.
"This court should give due deference to the repeated findings over different historical epochs by Congress, a co-equal branch of government, that the amendment guarantees the personal right to possess firearms," their brief contends.
"The District's prohibitions on mere possession by law-abiding persons of handguns in the home and having usable firearms there are unreasonable."
I hope you notice the absence of Senator Amy Klobuchar, Representative Betty McCollum, and Representative Kieth Ellison.
You can read the complete brief here,
Remember the 2006 election? I received a mailing paid for by the Minnesota DFL. It was a well done, colorful piece of literature littered with lies. It said "Amy Klobuchar believes in the peoples second ammendment rights to keep firearms for hunting, shooting, and self defense." If this is true, why is her name not included in the list? Click this link to ask Amy,
I take no pride in saying that our US Representative here in SD39 is the little lockstep liberal, Betty McCollum. She is consistant. She can always be counted on to vote in a far-left, socialist fashion to denigrate our second ammendment rights. Lets flood her mail box. I doubt it will do a damn bit of good, but let's do it anyway.{AC61FD79-AD5F-440D-A7F0-555B12349E5B
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
6:41 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Ron Paul: McCain friends with Feingold, Kennedy
by Mark Silva, Baltimore Sun,
After the smoke cleared at the Conservative Political Action Conference – the public withdrawal of Mitt Romney from the Republican presidential race, and the attempt of John McCain to make friends with the party’s staunchest conservatives – a conservative crowd-pleaser stepped forward.
Ron Paul, the Republican representative from Texas.
Paul was playing on the frustrations in this hall, with many voicing worries about McCain, the all-but annointed nominee.
Now the party has an apparent candidate who is a friend of Sen. Russ Feingold – on campaign finance reform – Paul said. And now the party has an apparent candidate who is a friend of Ted Kennedy – on immigration – Paul said.
He raised cheers in the hall – perhaps the first genuine cheers of the day.
“If you think we can lead this country back to conservative principles… you have another thing coming, because it’s not going to happen,’’ Paul said.
“The answer is found in fiscal conservatism – live within our means,’’ he said to cheers in the hall.
“As long as a government can stir up fear, sometimes real and sometimes not real, the people are expected to do one thing, sacrifice their liberty,’’ he said to cheers.
And then there is the war in Iraq, with Paul the only one of several Republican candidates for president this year who took a stance against the war.
“McCain says we should stay there for 100 years if necessary – I say there is no need,’’ Paul said to more cheers in the hall.
“We campaigned in 2000 for a humble foreign policy, no policing of the world – and now we are doing the very same thing,’’ Paul said.
There is still a chance that we can put a true conservative candidate on the ballot this fall. It is time to fight the media black out of Dr. Ron Paul. I vow to spread the word for liberty, Vote Ron Paul.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:08 PM
Whining About the Caucus
There has been plenty of talk since Super Tuesday’s caucus events. From everything I have read, it seems that the democrats did not plan very well for their caucus. Talk of changing Minnesota from a caucus state to one that has a primary to determine who runs for president is the hot topic of the moment.
In this opinion piece from the Red Star Tribune we are subject to the usual whining of the left,
Our own State Rep. Rick Hansen, South St. Paul, says he's been called by seniors who wanted to vote, but couldn't come out at night. "This isn't good for them," he says of the caucus system.
I wonder if he offered any of them a ride. Maybe Rick Hansen should buy Wellstone’s old bus and provide shuttle service for them in the future.
Other comments included this from Lori Sturdevant, Red Star Tribune editorial writer, “Rumors swirl at Carpenters' Hall, to wit: Churches taking in lost caucus-goers. Police turning crowds away. I expect to hear next that the Red Cross is on its way with blankets.”
It seems that some brilliant democrats ventured out on a cold February evening with out a heavy winter coat.
Republicans came out in unheard of numbers also, but I have not heard any complaints from them. We stood tall and did what we came to do. Sure, my precinct ran out of official ballots. When we did we used pieces of paper. But guess what, it all worked out. We got the job done!
As far as I am concerned, the democrats can do whatever they like. Just don’t ask the state to provide them any of my tax money to pay for it.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
5:47 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Super Tuesday Report
Having attended my first caucus in 2006, last night was a great surprise. Two years ago, I was one of three people representing my precinct. So I did not in my wildest dreams imagine that over thirty people would show up. It was a good time and every one was active with the straw poll and delegate/alternate elections. We also addressed about five different resolutions. Each of the resolutions that were presented provided us with lively discussions.
I want to thank every one involved in the success of last night's 39a precinct caucus's. This would include all the citizens that came to be involved in our great democracy. Also the 18 precinct conveners, many of which were first timers like myself as well as all the volunteers. A special thanks to the staff at Friendly Hills Middle School.
The results of our straw poll,
Mike Huckabee-----69
Alan Keyes ----------7
John McCain -----168
Ron Paul ----------106
Mitt Romney -----201
I look forward to seeing all the newly elected delegates and alternates at the 39a BPOU convention, March 8th, at Faith United Methodist Church, 1530 Oakdale Ave., West Saint Paul, MN 55118
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:01 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Get to the Caucus on February 5th!
Here is your chance to get involved in our government process and make your voice be heard. Minnesota is one of a few states that have the caucus system. This is true grassroots politics were issues and policies are decided from our neighborhoods on up to the state level.
District 39a will be at Friendly Hills Middle School in Mendota Heights.
Go to one of these links and enter your address to find out where your precinct caucus will be.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:07 PM