Talking Points On Health Care Affordability American Taxpayers And Businesses Will Be Shouldered With Over $1.6 Trillion In New Spending And $800 Billion In New Taxes To Pay For Government-Run Health Care. "Democrats argue the number should be $1 trillion, a number provided by the Congressional Budget Office for the net cost of the portion of the bill affecting health insurance, and they boasted in press releases that the bill actually creates a $6 billion surplus over the coming decade. But the gross cost of the bill is much higher, more than $1.6 trillion, according to a Roll Call analysis of the CBO data. And despite more than $800 billion in tax and fee hikes, it actually adds $239 billion to the deficit ..." (Steven Dennis, "Analysis: House Health Care Bill's Price Tag Tops $1.6 Trillion," Roll Call, 7/20/09) Even Obama’s Budget Director Acknowledges His Proposal Won’t Make Insurance More Affordable. "The rapidly rising cost of health care, Obama has said, is 'a threat to our economy' ... So a critical test of the health reform proposals lumbering through Congress is whether they defuse that bomb. The answer, so far, is no. That was the message ... Peter Orszag sent to the chairs of three House committees that released a 'discussion draft' of legislation last month ... As Mr. Orszag put it, 'Adopting a deficit-neutral health reform that expands coverage ... is not enough, because it would perpetuate a system in which best practices are far from universal and costs are too high.'" (Editorial, "Health Care Savings," The Washington Post, 7/13/09) National Insurance Czar Will Create Strict, One-Size-Fits-All Regulations For Health Coverage, Leading To Higher Premium Costs. "A qualified health benefits plan shall meet a medical loss ratio as defined by the Commissioner. For any plan year in which the qualified health benefits plan does not meet such medical loss ratio, QHBP offering entity shall provide in a manner specified by the Commissioner for rebates to enrollees of payment sufficient to meet such loss ratio ... The Commissioner shall build on the definition and methodology developed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under the amendments made by section 161 for determining how to calculate the medical loss ratio. Such methodology shall be set at the highest level medical loss ratio possible that is designed to ensure adequate participation by QHBP offering entities, competition in the health insurance market in and out of the Health Insurance Exchange, and value for consumers so that their premiums are used for services." (H.R. 3200, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009," Introduced 7/14/09) Obama’s Plan Will Force People To Pay Tax If They Don’t Want To Buy Government-Approved Insurance. "Don't have health insurance? Don't want to pay for it? Too bad. It's looking like President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress are going to require you to pick up the bill. In Washington-speak, it's called an individual mandate--or a requirement that people who don't already have health insurance to purchase it, much like most states require drivers to have automobile insurance ... Any plan is likely to be modeled after one in Massachusetts, which required that virtually everyone have health insurance or face tax penalties." (Liz Sidoti, "No Health Care? Expect A Requirement To Get It," The Associated Press, 6/22/09) Obama’s Plan Will Tax Companies Which Don’t Provide Insurance To Their Employees. “The research and data on the devastating impact of an employer mandate is clear – it is a job killer, potentially costing 1.6 million jobs-- hardly what this country needs in these challenging economic times. Fundamentally, a mandate fails to address the real problems of our healthcare system – unsustainable costs. Adding new, additional burdens to small business owners – especially in the form of an expensive mandate – is not an effective approach to reform. In fact, it burdens the very people we are supposed to be trying to help.” (National Federation of Independent Business, “Health Reform Must Help, Not Harm Small Businesses,” Press Release, 6/10/09) Obama’s Plan Does Nothing About Medical Liability Reform Or Reducing Practice Of Defensive Medicine, Both Of Which Drive Up Costs. “Obama and lawmakers need to return to the drawing board, and when they do they should include medical liability reforms that would be a true counter-force to rising health care costs.” (Editorial, “Cost control: Liability Limits Needed In Reform,” The Oklahoman, 7/26/09) Republican Plans Will Make Health Insurance More Affordable Republican Plans Will Provide Tax Relief To Make It Easier For Uninsured Americans To Get Coverage, And Help Insured Americans Pay For Their Current Coverage. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "To get to the problem of uninsured, we have to equalize the tax code. Business provides health insurance for its employees. If an individual buys insurance, it is not deductible. Number two, we should be incentivizing wellness programs targeting smoking, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise. Safeway have been able to cut health-care costs by incentivizing employees to take good care of their health. Those are the kinds of steps that we could take to really address the problem of access and cost without scrapping the finest health care in the world." (FOX News' " America 's Newsroom," 7/16/09) Republicans Will Allow Small Businesses And Self-Employed To Group Together, Making Coverage More Affordable. "This legislation creates expanded options for the purchase of low-cost health care from new pooling mechanisms. Today, the only health insurance pool available to Americans is their employer's pool. Americans not in an employer-sponsored pool buy in what is called the 'individual market.' The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act dramatically expands the insurance pools Americans can select to join by allowing churches, alumni associations, trade associations and other civic groups to set up new insurance pools and offer affordable health care packages to their members. Instead of having only one group policy to choose from, under this bill, every American will be able to choose from a number of 'group plans.' This will make health care more affordable and portable while not locking individuals into staying at a job simply to keep their health coverage. Families should not be forced to choose between leaving their employer and having health care." (Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ), "Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act," Press Release, 7/14/09) Republican Plans Will Make Insurance Portable By Allowing Americans To Keep Coverage When Changing Jobs. "[The bill] takes a radically different approach in contrast to what has been discussed by President Obama as well as Democrats in both chambers. It gives people choice and places American families back in control of their plans and their health care. This legislation will reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care while expanding access and portability." (Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ), "Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act," Press Release, 7/14/09) Republican Plans Will Allow Americans To Shop For Insurance In Other States, Creating More Competitive Insurance Market And Reducing Premiums. “Expands the individual market – Creates pooling mechanisms such as association health plans and individual membership accounts. Individuals are also allowed to shop for health insurance across state lines.” (Republican Study Committee, “RSC Unveils A Solution For Affordable, Quality Health Care,” Press Release, 7/30/09) Republicans Will Expand Health Savings Accounts To Allow Americans To Have More Control Over How Health Care Dollars Are Spent. “The Health Care Freedom Plan: Allows Americans with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to use their HSA funds to pay for insurance premiums, encouraging employers to contribute to their employees’ HSAs.” (Sen. DeMint, "DeMint Introduces Health Care Freedom Plan," Press Release, 6/23/09) Republican Plans Will Help Those On Medicaid With Vouchers Or Refundable Tax Credits So They Can Buy Private Insurance. "'The Patients' Choice Act of 2009' transforms health care in America by strengthening the relationship between the patient and the doctor; using choice and competition rather than rationing and restrictions to contain costs; and ensuring universal, affordable health care for all Americans. 'The Patients' Choice Act' promotes innovative, State-based solutions, along with fundamental reforms in the tax code, to give every American, regardless of employment status, age, or health condition, the ability and the resources to purchase health insurance. The comprehensive legislation includes concrete prevention and transparency initiatives, long overdue reforms to Medicare and Medicaid, investments in wellness programs and health IT, and more." (Rep. Paul Ryan, "Senators Coburn, Burr, And Representatives Ryan, Nunes Offer A Better Path Forward On Health Care Reform," Press Release, 5/20/09) TALKING POINTS ON REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS The Principles Republicans Want Reform, But Not Through Risky And Costly Experimentation With Americans’ Tax Dollars And Health Care. “Candidate Obama promised change. President Obama is conducting an experiment. He's conducting a dangerous experiment with our health care. He's conducting a reckless experiment with our economy … Let me be clear—Republicans support health care reform that addresses the biggest problem in our system—runaway costs. We don't need to spend more on health care—we already spend far more than the rest of the industrialized world.” (RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Remarks On President Obama's Grand Health Care Experiment, Washington , DC, 7/20/09) Republicans Want Health Care System Based Around Consumers. “Consumers should be financially invested in better health decisions through health-savings accounts, lower premiums and reduced cost sharing. If they seek care in cost-effective settings, comply with medical regimens, preventative care, and lifestyles that reduce the likelihood of chronic disease, they should share in the savings.” (Gov. Bobby Jindal, Op-Ed, “How To Make Health-Care Reform Bipartisan,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/22/09) Republicans Want All Americans To Have Opportunity To Buy Health Coverage They Want. “Republicans are promoting commonsense reforms that make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase quality at a price our country can afford---while making sure that Americans who like their health care coverage can keep it.” (Rep. Roy Blunt, "Health Care Solutions Group," Press Release, 6/17/09) Republicans Believe No One Should Be Forced To Buy Coverage. “House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.” (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, “House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan,” The Associated Press, 7/29/09) Republicans Believe Pre-Existing Conditions Should No Longer Keep Anyone From Getting Coverage If They Want It. “Make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American, regardless of pre-existing health conditions.” (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, “House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan,” The Associated Press, 7/29/09) Republicans Don’t Want Any American To Fear Costs While Shopping For Insurance Plans. "Under the Health Care Freedom Plan, Americans would be able to keep the care they have now, but if they are uninsured or unhappy with their current plan, they could access a voucher to purchase health insurance anywhere in the country. This will create a true, competitive market for health care that will lower costs and increase quality. And it levels the playing field so all Americans - regardless of their employment benefits or employment status -- have the same access to quality health care.” (Sen. DeMint, "DeMint Introduces Health Care Freedom Plan," Press Release, 6/23/09) The Policies This Year, Republicans Have Offered Multiple Bills That Aim To Increase Affordability, Accessibility, And Availability Of Health Care For All Americans. · “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee, “RSC Unveils A Solution For Affordable, Quality Health Care,” Press Release, 7/30/09) · “Health Care Freedom Act Of 2009” (Sen. Jim DeMint, "DeMint Introduces Health Care Freedom Plan," Press Release, 6/23/09) Republicans Health Care Policies Based On Common Sense Solutions Like Medical Liability Reform And Encouraging Healthy Behavior. "Republicans have put forward common sense solutions like reforming our medical liability laws to discourage junk lawsuits that make health care more expensive for everyone; strengthening wellness and prevention programs that encourage people to make healthy choices, such as quitting smoking and fighting obesity; and addressing the needs of small business without imposing new taxes that kill jobs." (Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republican Radio Address, 6/20/09) Republicans Want Americans To Create Their Own Groups And Purchase Coverage Like Employers Do For Their Employees. "This legislation creates expanded options for the purchase of low-cost health care from new pooling mechanisms. Today, the only health insurance pool available to Americans is their employer's pool. Americans not in an employer-sponsored pool buy in what is called the 'individual market.' The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act dramatically expands the insurance pools Americans can select to join by allowing churches, alumni associations, trade associations and other civic groups to set up new insurance pools and offer affordable health care packages to their members. Instead of having only one group policy to choose from, under this bill, every American will be able to choose from a number of 'group plans.' This will make health care more affordable and portable while not locking individuals into staying at a job simply to keep their health coverage. Families should not be forced to choose between leaving their employer and having health care." (Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ), "Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act," Press Release, 7/14/09) Republicans Propose Performance-Based Pay For Doctors To Help Bring Costs Down. “Roughly 75% of health-care spending is for the care of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes—and there is little coordination of this care. We can save money and improve outcomes by using integrated networks of care with rigorous, transparent outcome measures emphasizing prevention and disease management.” (Gov. Bobby Jindal, Op-Ed, “How To Make Health-Care Reform Bipartisan,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/22/09) For Americans Who Don’t Like Their Current Insurance, Republicans Will Offer Tax Credits To Purchase Plan They Like. "The bill allows Americans who don't have employer-sponsored care or those not satisfied with their employer-sponsored plan to buy their own plan on the same tax-advantaged basis their employer enjoys. Americans who pay income taxes get a dollar for dollar reduction in their tax bill up to $2500 for individuals and $5000 per family. Americans who don't pay income taxes get the same amount from the government to buy a policy of their choice; $2500 for individuals and $5000 per family." (Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ), "Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act," Press Release, 7/14/09) Republicans Propose To Bring Down Health Care Costs By Increasing Transparency And Decreasing Waste. "The Health Care Freedom Plan will also help bring down overall medical costs by reducing expensive malpractice lawsuits against physicians and hospitals and by adding transparency to the industry. This plan also ensures that Americans with pre-existing health conditions have access to affordable coverage through Federal block grants for state high-risk insurance programs." (Sen. DeMint, "DeMint Introduces Health Care Freedom Plan," Press Release, 6/23/09) Republicans Believe Doctor-Patient Relationship Should Be Strengthened, Not Weakened. "'The Patients' Choice Act of 2009' transforms health care in America by strengthening the relationship between the patient and the doctor; using choice and competition rather than rationing and restrictions to contain costs; and ensuring universal, affordable health care for all Americans.” (Rep. Paul Ryan, "Senators Coburn, Burr, And Representatives Ryan, Nunes Offer A Better Path Forward On Health Care Reform," Press Release, 5/20/09) GOP SOLUTIONS: “RSC Unveils A Solution For Affordable, Quality Health Care” (Republican Study Committee, Press Release, 7/30/09) “How To Make Health-Care Reform Bipartisan” (Gov. Bobby Jindal, Op-Ed, The Wall Street Journal, 7/22/09) “Health Care Shakeup Will Make Things Worse” (Rep. Eric Cantor, Op-Ed, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 7/12/09) “Republican Health Care Reform” (Rep. John Boehner, Press Release, 6/27/09) “House GOP Solutions Group Outlines Health Care Plan to Increase Affordability, Accessibility, Availability Commonsense Health Care Reform to Lower Costs and Increase Access And Quality At A Price Our Country Can Afford” (Rep. Roy Blunt, Press Release, 6/17/09) “Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act” (Rep. John Shadegg, Press Release, 6/14/09) “DeMint Introduces Health Care Freedom Plan” (Sen. Jim DeMint, Press Release, 6/23/09) “House GOP Health Plan Superior” (Rep. John Boehner, Op-Ed, Pittsburg Tribune-Review, 6/17/09) “Boehner, House GOP Outline Plan To Make Health Care More Affordable & Accessible For All Americans” (Rep. John Boehner, Press Release, 6/17/09) “Reforming The Delivery Of Health Care” (Sen. Richard Burr, Press Release, 6/16/09) “GOP Offers Constructive Options To Improve Access To Health Care” (Reps. Roy Blunt, Sam Graves, and Lynn Jenkins, Kansas City Star, 6/10/09) “To GOP, Reform Is About Wider Access, Lower Prices, Not Government Control” (Rep. Roy Blunt, Op-Ed, The Hill, 6/10/09) “Let The Debate Begin” (Reps. Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes, Op-Ed, The Washington Times, 6/8/09) “How The Republican Plan Will Help You” (Rep. Roy Blunt, Press Release, 6/2/09) “Rep. Ryan On Alternative Healthcare Plan” (FOX News’ “America’s Newsroom,” 5/20/09) “An Alternative to Obamacare” (Sens. Tom Coburn and Richard Burr and Reps. Paul Ryan and David Nunes, Op-Ed, Real Clear Politics, 5/20/09) “Senators Coburn, Burr, And Representatives Ryan, Nunes Offer A Better Path Forward On Health Care Reform” (Rep. Paul Ryan, Press Release, Press Conference, 5/20/09)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Obama’s Government-Run Health Care Experiment Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:55 AM
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I hope the GOP will embrace a fundamental point.
There are two ways to "solve" our problems, and health care is only one of them.
The first is to use the creativity and energy of citizens to freely produce and exchange their resources to their mutual benefit. This is called a market economy. The government has a truly minimal role here, and the Federal governenment - limited by the constitution - has almost none.
The second is to declare, demand and force outcomes that are politically favored. This is called a command economy. This is incompatible with our traditions, and our constitution, especially at the federal level.
The Soviets, Cuba, the Chinese, and many others in the 20th century have provided examples that we should heed. Command economies are brutal, and ultimately unsuccessful. The substitute political decision making for economic decision making, and the result is almost always totalitarian.
"Partial" socialization, as in Europe, is not much better, but at least is less brutal. (sometimes) Ultimately it suffers from the flaws in command economies because politics is not about efficiency. It therefore fosters waste and excess.
Socialism is not our ideal or our goal.
Partial socialization and limited federal intervention in health care is incompatible with our constitution, and will not result in a better outcome.
Innovation and a desire to serve customers should be the driver of health care, as it is in every other industry.
To the extent the Feds are involved, we should insist that they unwind their involvement. Much of the excessive cost of medicine is driven directly by the many onerous and overlapping mandates on various medical practitioners. At best, laws dictating medical practices are quickly obsolete as technology and knowledge changes.
We should insist that we as citizens be treated as adults, and shoulder the responsibility for our affairs that politicians are all to eager to take from us.
Our liberty depends on it.
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