Thursday, April 30, 2009
Shape of Things to Come
Posted by
Don Lee
7:14 PM
Labels: Bailout
Monday, April 27, 2009
Minnesota Deficit is Opportunity
Posted by
Don Lee
12:34 PM
Labels: Minnesota deficit
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bill Jungbauer for State Executive Vice Chair of the 4th Congressional District
Delegates and alternates of the 4th Congressional District. I ask for your vote on Saturday, April 25th, at the 4th District convention, so that I may represent you at the State Executive meetings. On this video I speak of the need to alter our course as a party. Show up and vote or don't complain. See you there!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
1:00 PM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Smartest men in the world
Posted by
Don Lee
3:33 PM
AFSCME calls state contract proposal ‘unacceptable’
Our state employees union, AFSCME, is in the negotiation process on a new contract. You can read the unions side here,
According to this union website,
Specifically, AFSCME proposes:
- • Raising revenue through fair taxes
- • Eliminating pet projects, such as JOBZ, that waste money and don't work
- • Eliminating outsourcing and other costly corporate giveaways
- • Eliminating extra layers of management and political appointees
AFSCME said the state’s demands include:
- • Reduce wages 1.5 percent in the first year
- • Reduce wages another 1.5 percent in the second year
- • Eliminate step increases
- • Force frontline workers to take unpaid leave
- • Eliminate the employer’s matching contribution to deferred compensation
- • Restrict payment of shift differentials
The state also is seeking to cut health care benefits through higher premiums, co-pays, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses, the union said.
Less than one fourth of Minnesota's work force is union. But they expect us to pay higher taxes so that they can be better off than the rest of us.
From what I understand, government workers, on average, make $25.00 per hour plus great benefits while public sector workers make $19.00 on average and are lucky to get benefits. Why do they deserve any better than the rest of us? In my opinion they don't. Notice that AFSCME demands, "Raising revenue through fair taxes."
When I ran for state representative last year I was interviewed by the AFL-CIO. During this interview I was asked by AFSCME representatives if I would work to restore previous cuts to local government aid and of course I replied no. I was then lectured on how LGA provides funding for our cities and the employees that keep them running. Example were snow plow drivers, public works employees and personnel necessary to the running of our cities. I replied that I live in West Saint Paul and we do just fine on what we get. My street is plowed before I head out the door each day. I left with the impression that their big concern was to expand their ranks rather than worry about city services.
Here is another one of their demands, "Eliminating outsourcing and other costly corporate giveaways." What do they mean by costly corporate giveaways? I understand the outsourcing, they want it done by their union rank and file rather than anything being done by the public sector through a bidding process which would benefit the taxpayers.
I am an admirer of Teddy Roosevelt. He mediated the United Mine Workers strike and they got a forty hour work week and a ten percent pay raise. He was also the recipient of an assassination attempt for opposing unions such as AFSCME within our government. I have worked for good employers and a few terrible ones in my lifetime. I have seen the need for union representation on occasion and I believe in the rights of the people to form or join a union.
Often times while I am driving across the Lafayette Bridge in the morning heading into St Paul I see a bumper sticker that says, "Living with less in the land of Pawlenty." Those who have such bumper stickers are heading to work at a government building such as the DNR or the PCA.
If AFSCME decides to strike, I will be organizing a counter-strike and urging the governor to privatize the majority of our government. Having been unemployed since the first of the year, I will be the first in line to apply for one of those new openings. Just think about the possibilities, the democrats could take responsibility for it and tell us how many jobs they created!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:11 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Cramdown is unwise
Posted by
Don Lee
2:18 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tax Day Tea Party Was Incredible!
Check out the great video on powerlineblog. I am speaking from 2:10 until 3:27
This is from Kare11
Here is the speech I gave at the Tea Party,
233 years ago, our nation declared its independence from Great Britain. We were subjects of an all powerful king. The King would declare war and raise taxes. The King chose what businesses would succeed and which would fail. He taxed us without our consent.
The colonists wanted the freedom to make an honest living, and to prosper. They resented the Kings power. They wanted to be left alone, and to be free to live their lives.
After the Revolutionary war, our founders gave us the Constitution, designed to protect us from tyranny. The Constitution limits the role of our government and divides our government into three branches, each serving to limit the power of the others. The first 10 amendments further limit our government by declaring areas of our lives that are off limits to the law.
The founders warned us that there would always be those who will want to take our freedom. They will offer us an easy life off the backs of other taxpayers. This is always a sham. We cannot make progress by stealing from one neighbor only to give to another. We cannot defend our own freedom by taking it from others. Our freedom is one of the most precious things we have. Without it, we are no longer free citizens, but slaves on the government plantation.
Today, our freedom is under attack. Those now in power are spending the earnings of our children and grandchildren, while expecting our gratitude.
We are told that there is a crisis, and that to solve the crisis, we must do extraordinary - even normally unwise - things.
I look around me today, and I don't see a crisis. I see free, productive citizens. We neither want nor need the hand of the government to prop us up or ensure our success. We understand that what we need is to be left alone to pursue our dreams. We understand that if we own our success, we own our failures, too.
Our money is more than a bit of green paper, but a symbol of the sweat, capitol, intelligence and inspiration that went into building what it buys.
There is no doubt that TARP, the "stimulus", bloated state and federal budgets will cost a lot of money, and also no doubt that they will enhance state power. Do we really want to trade our freedom and our children's futures for the dubious benefit of these programs?
The US Treasury is running a Ponzi scheme that would put Mr. Madoff to shame. He only stole billions of dollars by paying off early investors with later investor's money.
Our government is running a trillion dollar ponzi scheme where politicians are attempting to buy our votes with our children's money, while robbing us of our independence and freedom.
It is time to demand responsible behavior from our elected representatives and from each other. We cannot be the first generation to sell our children into financial bondage because we are not willing to rise to the challenges of our age.
Several years ago I saw a bumper sticker that said, “The world is run by those who show up.” I have been politically active ever since. Today I am sure there are many here that have shown up for the first time and I commend you. We need you to continue to show up and speak out. Our state, our country, and our children need us all to keep showing up.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:34 AM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
T.E.A. Party T-Shirts for Sale
My Friend Angie is making a run at a T-shirt design for the Tax Day Tea Party this coming Wednesday. She is sending it to print in the morning. It will be distressed white ink on an aged tangerine shirt. (Similar to the American Eagle vintage style.)
They will be for sale at the T.E.A. Party which will be taking place at the Capitol on April 15th from 5:00 till 8:00 pm. You can get one there or let me know if you want one and I will let Angie know.
Anyone interested buying one? =)
Pricing: 1 for $20, 2 for $35
* Special * Sell 5 shirts @ $20ea and get your own for free!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
11:45 PM
US Debt - excellent video - decisions
There is a new web site, with contests and prizes for videos and letters. I really like the video with the person jumping off the cliff. The video alone can be seen here.
- Pay it back.
- Renounce it.
- Inflate it away.
Posted by
Don Lee
11:02 AM
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cyber Security act of 2009
Those of you who care about the US dominance of the computer technology industry should take a look at a bill recently introduced in the U.S. Congress. The "Cyber Security act of 2009" would create a "dizzying array of programs, administered by a variety of agencies". This link has some good commentary on what the bill would do.
Posted by
Don Lee
1:06 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Press One For English
Here is a great video that my friend Roger K. sent me. It has over ten million hits on YouTube and is very popular. Few people know it, but I spent a year as an English as a Second Language tutor with the Minnesota Literacy Council at Lincoln Center in South Saint Paul. The immigrants I had the pleasure to help had enough of a hard work ethic to realize that they could go further in this country by learning the language of this land, English. Enjoy the video!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:44 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
April 15th Tax Day Tea Party at the Minnesota State Capitol!
It's time for us all to unite and show up at the Capitol on tax day. If you really care about the direction our state and country are headed, you and I and everyone we know must show up! I don't care if you bring a torch or a pitchfork! We can no longer allow these people to keep raising our taxes.
Tea Parties will be held all over our nation on April 15th. The people are rising up to protest the total lack of any budgetary creativity in the minds of our elected officials. We need intelligent people at the Capitol who are capable of saying something other than, "Duh, lets just raise taxes." Please checkout this website and see if you want to sign up to bring a case of bottled water or volunteer in some other way. Be there or quit complaining!
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
8:52 AM