This is totally stolen from
MN CD4 Needs Change
House Session - C-SPAN Video Library
Betty leads in the Pledge of Allegiance only to stop, and not say "under God." She begins at 1:50 into the video.
Thanks to another pissed off MN CD 4 voter for finding this and sharing with me. THIS IS THE VIDEO BETTY DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!! Here it is obvious she intentionally OMITS "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. At the time, her staffers claimed she took a breath...uhm, yeah that's it. Betty, here is what I think...due to the nature of the Bill before you, that somewhere in your liberal head you did this intentionally to make a point!!! We don't believe you!!!
Thanks to another pissed off MN CD 4 voter for finding this and sharing with me. THIS IS THE VIDEO BETTY DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!! Here it is obvious she intentionally OMITS "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. At the time, her staffers claimed she took a breath...uhm, yeah that's it. Betty, here is what I think...due to the nature of the Bill before you, that somewhere in your liberal head you did this intentionally to make a point!!! We don't believe you!!!
What is really pathetic about this, is Betty was leading the House in the Pledge of Allegiance!!! This is on CSPAN!!! It's not like she was at her little desk in the back, or holding Nancy Pelosi's notepad, but she was leading the HOUSE in the Pleadge of Allegiance!!! Free speech is one thing, disrespect to your position, the Flag and the American people is another. Pathetic Betty, absolutely pathetic...Remember in November!!!
Did Betty intentionally omit "under God"? You decide...
More to come, stay tuned.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- (House of Representatives - April 17, 2002)
[Page: H1341] GPO's PDF
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gentlewoman from Minnesota (Ms. McCollum) come forward and lead the House in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. McCOLLUM led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Did you not watch the video? She obviously did not say "Under God." Betty, for whatever reason her little liberal brain decided upon, left it out.
And you who lacks any intestinal fortitude, why do you choose to post anonymously?
Anonomyous is a gutless liberal apologist, just like those who transcribe the Congressional Record that he's quoting.
Betty McCollum and her socialist, globalist, athetistic buddies make me puke!
Well put! You have a way with words!
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