On Monday, July 9th, delegates from House District 28B gathered to endorse their Republican candidate to succeed Rep. Steve Sviggum in the upcoming August special election. Steve Drazkowski won the GOP endorsement, which was also sought by four other candidates.
I cannot begin to tell you how important it is to support Draz in his campaign to win this seat. If the DFL win, they will be closer to overriding any veto from the Governor.
It is of vital importance to his campaign that we all donate funds for his run for office. The DFL and Education Minnesota have pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars for the DFL endorsed liberal he is running against. Seeing this opportunity, we can be certain that the DFL will be sending busloads of Minneapolis liberals into the district as they try to take this seat away from us.
Here is the link to his website,
Donate here,
If you prefer to contribute by check, please make the check payable to Drazkowski Volunteer Committee and mail to:
John Adams, Treasurer,
Drazkowski Volunteer Committee
58248 County Road 21
Mazeppa, MN 55956
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Steve Drazkowski Endorsed as Republican Candidate
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
8:19 AM
Commentary: Watching the dog chase its tail
By Phil Krinkie
For more than a quarter century, state legislators have been attempting to control increases in local property taxes. What they can’t clearly communicate to their constituents is that the state doesn’t determine local property-tax rates. Those rates are set and controlled by local elected officials.
While the state Legislature determines the process of collection of local property taxes, it is still the purview of city councils and county boards to decide property-tax revenues.
Simply put, watching state legislators trying to control property taxes is like watching a dog chase its tail; regardless of how hard they try, it is still an unproductive exercise.
To help understand the mess we’re in today, a short history of state aid to local governments is helpful. We will start in 1971, when the state Legislature replaced a variety of special aids and shared tax programs with a program of general-purpose aid to all local units of government. The creation of Local Government Aid (LGA) had two primary objectives: First, to provide property-tax relief, and second, to help all local governments provide a similar level of government services.
Immediately, some legislators realized that trying to reduce property taxes with state grants to local governments was like trying to fill a barrel with water from a leaky bucket. As Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” This certainly was no exception.
Within 15 years – from 1972 to 1986 – state aid to local governments had more than tripled from $99 million to over $311 million. But as the state aid program dollars grew, so did the debate about the method of distribution. By 2002, the program had changed from grants to all local government units to payments to cities only.
What is even more staggering, however, is the way LGA distribution has evolved over time. In 1972, when total aid equaled only $99 million, it reached all of the state’s local units of government. Despite the fact that total aid payments now equal a whopping $485 million, LGA is only distributed to about half the state’s population. A program that was intended to reduce property taxes for all Minnesotans now costs state taxpayers almost $500 million yet is distributed to only half the people in the state.
But as Paul Harvey says, “and now, the rest of the story…” The rest of the story is that with the expenditure of $485 million of state resources to “reduce property taxes,” there is little evidence that it does anything of the sort.
In a recent analysis of Minnesota’s state-aid programs, Nathan Anderson, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, wrote, “It has long been recognized that giving more state aid to a local government does not necessarily cause that government to collect less property-tax revenue.” Anderson’s study indicates what most other scholarly works show: that increases or decreases in general aid to cities don’t result in direct increases or reductions in local property taxes.
Another analysis of Minnesota’s state-aid program by the Minnesota House Research Department in 2006 concluded that “on average, about 25 cents on the dollar of LGA increases translated into levy decreases in 2006.” These are only two studies of Minnesota’s property taxes, but virtually every economic analysis underscores the fact that there is no direct correlation between general state aid to local governments and reduced property taxes.
Despite this, state-aid payments in Minnesota have grown by almost 500 percent while distribution has shrunk to only half the people. In addition, only a small fraction of the total aid payments can be attributed to reductions in property taxes. Still, many legislators perpetuate the myth, including backers of this year’s House and Senate tax bills, that increased state aid will reduce property taxes. The facts show just the opposite.
In 1972, when state-aid payments began, total non-school property taxes amounted to $398 million. Today, non-school property taxes total over $5 billion.
The simple truth is that no matter what state legislators do to “buy down” property taxes, it doesn’t work. Property taxes will continue to rise unless cities and counties can control their growth in spending.
Phil Krinkie, a former Republican state representative from Shoreview, is president of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
8:11 AM
Congressman Ellison Equates Bush to Hitler and 9/11 to Reichstag Fire
by Jerry Gordon
Rep. Keith Ellison , the first Afro American Muslim from Minnesota to serve in Congress, was back in Edina, Minnesota this week. On July 8th he was spoke to a group of Atheists for Human Rights- group that opposes all 'authoritarian 'religiions.
He loves to say that "after 9/11 Muslims and atheists were at the bottom of most polls".
His comment captured in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article about this event was:
"You will always find this Muslim standing up for your right to be atheists all you want."
He was playing to a crowd of enthusiastic left wing Democratic Farmer Labor party members with anti-war cant calling the Iraq war "occupation" . He also suggested impeaching Vice President Cheney for engineering the Scooter Libby commutation, however he went a little too far when it came to Pres. Bush.
In an over the top remark he accused Bush of being the equivalent of Hitler, who many believe may have lit the torch figuratively and literally that caused the Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 , equating it to 9/11.
He may have taken a cue from an audience member who wore a black tee shirt with "Investigate 9/11".
"It's almost like the Reichstag fire in Nazi German, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it and put the leader of that country (Hitler) in a position where he could basically have the authority to do whatever he wanted. The fact is that I'm not saying [Sept. 11] was a U.S. plan, or anything like that because, you know, that's how they put you in the nut-box-dismiss you."
He also accused Bush of using so-called Faith Based Initiatives as a Department of Outreach to "the far right wing of the Christian evangelicals." "That's really all it is," Ellison said in his Edina library remarks.
Alan Fine of the blog, Minnesota Democrats Exposed and GOP candidate who ran against Ellison and lost in the heavily Democratic University of Minnesota Congressional District, had this comment about Ellison that rings true.
"Keith Ellison is among the most extreme among Democrats.His rhetoric can be heard in the halls of states and organizations (like CAIR) that support the terrorists, who would like to rewrite history and would like to destroy our nation."
Fine's dad, by the way flew 22 Missions as a USAAF pilot against Herr Hitler's regime during WWII.
The Atheists for Human Rights, a 350 member group, were ecstatic. Afterwards they got a call from an O'Reilly Factor producer asking for a DVD of Ellison's remarks and a possible stint on the Fox Cable News program.
The group's spokesperson, Marie Castle told Minneapolis Star Tribune reporter Mike Kaszuba who covered the event, "We're trying to upgrade the image of atheists. They don't think we have a moral compass." I concur with Ms. Castle last observation. This group of atheists has no moral compass by giving a soapbox to Rep. Ellison to prattle his provocative and 'incendiary' views.
Apparently, the sponsoring atheist group received objections from fellow atheists about permitting a Muslim to speak. At least those few who objected had a 'moral compass'.
So what can we expect out of this? A five minute food fight with Ellison on the Fox Cable O'Reilly Factor program giving him an audience of millions and the undying thanks for Ms. Castle and her fellow Minnesotans at Atheists for Human Rights. Little do they know that Ellison lied to them. They have no rights under Muslim Sharia law. They are just Dhimmis.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
7:55 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
I Told You So: The Muslim Doctor Terrorists Are No Surprise; Revealing Muslim Doctors' Oath
It's the doctors, stupid!I'm not sure why everyone is so shocked that all eight suspects in the attempted British terrorist attacks of last week are Medical Doctors (and that ALL eight suspects are tied to the British national healthcare system, the NHS). Readers of this site aren't surprised by the doctor terrorists.
First, Do Harm
As you'll recall, in my mid-May column, "When Your Doctor is a Muslim: Medical Terrorism Comes to America," I wrote about many of the doctors who've been top-ranking terrorists and involved in terrorist plots. Also, of note, I've complained about the special visas available for foreign alien MDs and other medical personnel to practice in America in small towns and at universities. I've written about how this makes it easy for Islamic doctor terrorists to get in and stay in, without much of a background check. (Like America doesn't already have enough medical doctors.)
I did not mention something else I know about, which is a past FBI investigation into Syrian and other Arab Muslim Medical Doctors in the Detroit area who were holding fundraisers for HAMAS. The investigation was mostly conducted by counterterrorism agents in Chicago, as it was tied to a bigger scheme. But nothing ever happened to the doctors because, hey, post-9/11, we must be nice to the Muslims, no matter how extremist they are or how nefarious their activities are.
To refresh your memory, here is the list, though I've added one, who has since been convicted, Dr. Rafiq Sabir, and I'm also adding the British Terror Suspect Docs:
* Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri--Al-Qaeda mastermind and number two man, reportedly a surgeon and/or psychiatrist;
* Dr. Mohammad Rabi Al-Zawahiri--Ayman's father and a Muslim Brotherhood enthusiast, pharmacologist and professor at Ain Shams Medical School;
* Dr. "Abu Hafiza"--Al-Qaeda master planner who was the brains and commander of the Moroccan cell that provided logistics for the 9/11 attacks, and he recruited Qaeda insurgents for battles in Fallujah, Moroccan psychiatrist;
* Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar--HAMAS co-founder and leader, surgeon and lecturer at the Islamic University in Gaza;
* Dr. George Habash--Founder and chief of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), pediatrician (which is interesting since he rocketed a school bus full of children in Avivim, Israel;
* Dr. Bashar Assad--President of Terror-sponsor state Syria, welcoming home to every Islamic terrorist group imaginable, ophthalmologist;
* Dr. Rafiq Sabir--Boca Raton emergency room physician convicted in Al-Qaeda terrorist plot, pledging to treat and train terrorists, along with a New York martial arts expert;
* Drs. Laila Al-Marayati and Riad Abdelkarim--Both work with and/or are top officials of KinderUSA (son of the Holy Land Foundation), which Al-Marayati voluntarily shutdown before the FBI did, as it was openly funding HAMAS "martyrs." Abdelkarim went to "Palestine" in May or so of 2002 with Dr. Dallel Mohammed (not an MD). They took monies collected at an April 2002 fundraiser and were caught by Israeli security handing over the funds to a HAMAS operative. They were detained in an Israeli jail, and a large orgy of publicity ensued. The two came back to the U.S. as Muslim "martyrs" used it to raise money for more.
* Dr. Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha--a 26-year-old neurologist who was arrested and is in custody as a suspect in the attempted London bombings, foiled Friday. He was born in Saudi Arabia, is of Palestinian origin, and has a Jordanian passport. His 27-year-old wife, a medical assistant, was also arrested for the foiled bombings;
* Dr. Bilal Talal Abdul Samad Abdulla--an Iraqi from Baghdad who was also arrested and is in custody as a suspect in the attempted Glasgow International Airport bombing, foiled Saturday. He was reportedly in the Jeep that drove into the airport, and is suffering from third-degree burns;
* Dr. Mohammed Haneef--an Indian Muslim arrested in Australia on Monday night in custody as a suspect in the attempted British terrorist bombing plots of last week;and
* The rest of the EIGHT Muslim Doctor(s) arrested as suspects in the British bombing plots of last week.
In that column, I wrote about Muslim doctor, Osama Ahmed Ibrahim, MD, who deliberately let Jewish patient Joseph Applebaum die, by neglecting to ever see him in over 12 hours under his care in an emergency room at a Chicago hospital, Rush North Shore Medical Center.
Also of note, I wrote about then-New Jersey Dr. Ahmed Rashed, a Muslim Arab resident, severed and stole the hand of a cadaver as a gift for a stripper. He got a slap on the hand and, oddly, is now employed at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.
And don't forget Dr. Jouhaina Maleh, an obstetrician, whose Dearbornistan offices were raided by the FBI in 2002, for suspected involvement in Medicaid fraud, in the case of masses of Muslim foreign aliens getting fraudulent Medicaid coverage for delivery of their babies--and, of course, U.S. citizenship for them.
Why are their cases tied to those of Muslim terrorist doctors listed above them? Well, because Muslim doctors have such little respect for Infidel human life. That's not just my speculation. It's in the text of the oath Muslim doctors take. This analysis on the site, Who Killed J.A.? (about the murder of Joseph Applebaum by his Muslim doctor), is enlightening:
The Islamic Medical Association of North America ("IMANA") makes the Oath of a Muslim Physician available to the world. It can be accessed from the IMANA Website. According to IMANA, this oath "was officially adopted by I.M.A. in 1977." (IMA is presumably the Islamic Medical Association.) This Oath ends with the following words:
Hereby we take this oath in Thy name, the Creator of all the Heavens and the earth and follow Thy counsel as Thou has revealed to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
"Whoever killeth a human being, not in liew [sic] of another human being nor because of mischief on earth, it is as if he hath killed all mankind. And if he saveth a human life, he hath saved the life of all mankind." (Qur'an V/35)
[DS: This is flat-out stolen from the Jewish Torah (specifically from the Sanhedrin portion of the Talmud), which preceded it, though Jews don't interpret it to allow Jihad as Muslims do, and it is not an "oath" for Jewish doctors.]
Compared to the other Oaths and Declarations, the Oath of a Muslim Physician appears to be unique in its possibly more conditional nature. The phrase, "not in liew of another human being nor because of mischief on earth," suggests, licenses, allows or can certainly be interpreted or misinterpreted as to give understanding to a physician taking this Oath and who "killeth a human being," that the killing is okay as long as it is "in liew of another human being" or "because of mischief on earth."
"Mischief on earth" has also been translated as "corruption" on earth.
So who are the corruptors and mischief-makers?
We have guidance from some apparent experts:
"Non-Muslims 'cannot be called human beings but are animals who roam the earth and engage in corruption.' said Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati last week at a ceremony in north-eastern Iran to commemorate the 'martyrs' of the Revolutionary Guards and the war against Iraq (1980-88)."
"The non-Muslims are [like] those animals that graze, chew their cud, and cause corruption."
[DS: And there are numerous other well-known Islamic precepts and statements against non-Muslims, particularly Jews and Christians. For brevity's sake, I've omitted them here.]
Also unlike the other Oaths and Declarations, the Oath of a Muslim Physician contains the added dimension of religious quotation. As with all religious writings, there is opening to interpretation. The quoted Sura, V/35, appears in the Arberry Koran as:
. . . whoso slays a soul not to retaliate for a soul slain, nor for corruption done in the land, shall be as if he had slain mankind altogether.
This interpretation of the Koran, hailed by Wilfred Cantwell Smith of Harvard University as " . . . the one that comes closest to conveying the impression made on Muslims by the original," provides some insight as to an understanding of this Sura.
The terrorist physicians (as some may interpret their actions) killing or harming others or causing others to be killed or harmed may believe that it is permitted by Oath for the purposes of "retaliation" or perceived "corruption in the land." As an example, the historically physician-led Hamas organization frequently justifies its attacks by proclaiming that its assaults are in "retaliation."
Some might argue that certain physicians provided this quality of care well before the adoption of the Oath in 1977. Or, even those who have not taken the Oath, may be in agreement with it.
As IMANA [DS: The Muslim medical society identified above] states, "This medical oath [which] is a composite from the historical and contemporary writings of physicians of (the) Islamic World." The Oath would appear to be merely a reduction to writing while the concepts comprised by it were in play well before 1977 and wider spread in the Muslim world thereby providing justification for a sick care outcome different from that a patient might desire.
Also important is that the first part of the oath--used to deny treatment of non-Muslim patients and even to kill them--has been prominently uttered by Osama Bin Laden to justify jihad. And there's much more. Read the whole thing.
In any event, we should not be surprised one iota that Medical Doctors--successful, wealthy ones with a great deal of education--are terrorists. The phony paradigm that terrorism is a function of poverty and desperation is just that--phony. It's all about one thing that spans the various strata of wealth and poverty: Islam's goal of domination . . . and the use of jihad to get there. A Medical Degree isn't a prophylactic to that. It's just another very valuable tool to help bring the jihad about.
Posted by
Bill Jungbauer
10:34 PM