"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
Matthew 25:33

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Within Our Means

Our state government has failed to live within our means. Minnesota is facing a major budget deficit and lawmakers will now be forced to either cut spending or raise taxes.

In the last election, many candidates assured us that tax increases weren't on the table, only then to raise our taxes once in office. Let's not be fooled again this year by empty campaign promises.

We have helped create a new website at www.LiveWithinOurMeans.com where candidates can prove their commitment to putting spending cuts ahead of raising our taxes. During these difficult economic times when most of us must tighten our belts and live within our means, why can't we expect the same from our state government?


Visit www.LiveWithinOurMeans.com to see if candidates in your district have signed the commitment. If they have not, send them a message asking them to sign the "Live Within Our Means" commitment form. Then be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 4th for the candidate that best represents your values.

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