"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
Matthew 25:33

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Democrat I Can Agree With!

Here is a video I just bumped into of one fiery democrat I can agree with. This is Rep. Marci Kaptur D-Ohio. She has got the facts on NAFTA and the North American Union. We are losing a Ford plant in St. Paul yet the Ford company is going to spend over nine billion dollars on factories in Mexico. The end result is cheap labor for Ford at the expense of Minesota's middle class. Watch this video and pay attention! This is alarming!


Anonymous said...

Last time I looked, I belive one section of this NAFTA super highway would end in Duluth

Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.

Nathan M. Hansen said...

nathanmhansen.blogspot.com for what NASCO is up too! Go Bill Jungbauer! He is our Randy Brogdon (R-OK, State representative).