"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
Matthew 25:33

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ron Paul Beats Romney Among Mormons Polled

In a recent poll among Mormons, Ron Paul beat Mitt Romney. More information can be seen at,


Aditional straw poll results can be seen here,


As you can see, Ron Paul has quite a following! It is a shame that the media does not give him more respect.

If you could ONLY choose from the following Republican candidates for President, which one would you choose?

Rudy Giuliani (0.7 %)61 votes
Mike Huckabee (1.3 %)111 votes
Duncan Hunter (0.3 %)30 votes
John McCain (1.2 %)108 votes
Ron Paul (52.2 %)4534 votes
Mitt Romney (43.4 %)3775 votes
Tom Tancredo (0.2 %)20 votes
Fred Thompson (0.6 %)50 votes

Total vote #: 8689
Earlier poll results

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