"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
Matthew 25:33

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Minnesota Self-Defense Bill Being Held Hostage!

Critical Minnesota Self-Defense Bill Being Held Hostage! Important self-defense legislation ("Castle Doctrine") could be defeated without being debated because of tricks played by the Chairman of the House Public Safety Committee, State Representative Joe Mullery (D-58A). Please contact Representative Mullery by phone at (651) 296-4262 or via email at rep.joe.mullery@house.mn and Speaker Margaret Kelliher (D-60A) at (651) 296-0171 or via email at rep.margaret.kelliher@house.mn and respectfully urge them to support your right to self-defense by allowing HF498 to be heard.

We must also contact our honorable Representative Rick Hansen (D-39A) at (651) 296-6828 or email at rep.rick.hansen@house.mn and Joe Atkins (D-39B) can be reached at (651) 296-4192 or email at rep.joe.atkins@house.mn


Anonymous said...

Where can I find out how members of this house commitee voted? N.R.A. life member from Bayport, Mn.

Bill Jungbauer said...

I have been poking around the House website and can not come up with anything just yet. See Representative Tony Cornish's press release in my latest blog entry dated 3-14-08. You can contact Representativr Cornish who is the author of the Castle Doctrine bill here,

Tony Cornish (R) 296-4240 rep.tony.cornish@house.mn

Bill Jungbauer said...

You can still contact your senator. The companion bill in the senate has not yet had a hearing. It is SF446. The authors are Pariseau; Ingebrigtsen; Limmer; Wergin; Jungbauer.